Corn Maze

Our neighbors have a corn maze that they open up to the public each fall. We went last year for the first time and again this fall. The family who runs the farm is so sweet and treats you like a part of their own. They let the children explore the property, their animals, and even offer to have us come back and eat lunch at their place sometime…so warm and kind. Today Cody could hardly hold in his excitement to navigate the maze. The owners give the children a map to help them along the course. Cody follows the sun, the location of buildings, and his gut to figure out the way. Towards the end, Anna wanted to be the leader, so Cody let her get up ahead of us all. She was proud to lead us and ran up ahead, around a corner, and out of sight as she prepared to lead us to the next corn marker. Shortly, we heard a little voice though some husks of corn shout out, “Confused!” We all got to laughing! Hopefully, she didn’t inherit my sense of direction! We left there after seeing the kittens, lambs, turkey, goats, horses, cows, and playing on the hay bales. We headed to Subway to grab some sandwiches for dinner afterwards. Anna headed straight for the restroom when we arrived. I stood outside waiting for her to come out. All I could hear was her sweet voice singing with lots of gusto, “A whole new world. A dazzling place I never knew, but when I’m way up here it’s crystal clear that now I’m in a whole new world with you!”…from the movie Aladdin! Love these guys!

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