Goin’ Charismatic

I was upstairs the other night getting ready as we had friends coming over for dinner. I could hear Anna OUTSIDE on the patio with a neighbor girl and her mother telling the kindergarten girl enthusiastically to, “Praise the Lord, Meghan! Praise the Lord!” over and over and over again! I got a smile on my face instantly and was laughing inside as I was certain the girl’s mother had to find us to be the completely charismatic, hand-waving, foot-stomping, dancing down the aisle kind of Christians! Truth is, ever since our dog was a puppy we began teaching him to put his paws in the air and wave them at the command of “Praise the Lord!” The reward was usually a dog biscuit (In this girl’s case a toy unicorn!). I think we first saw Shawn’s sisters do this with their dog, and we just thought it was so cute. I never dreamt Anna would use this bribe on the neighbor kids!

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