Christmas Concert

Cody’s choir had their Christmas concert the other evening. The children did such a good job, very touching and beautiful. The choir director told them that someone had decorated the stage with fake snow. She had her husband bring a handful of it in to show the children before the concert started so they would not be tempted to touch/play with it during the actual performance. Cody was a shepherd in the play and was barefoot for that role. Apparently, the snow made his feet itch (he told us later) because in between songs or during other choir’s songs you could see Cody with his shepherd’s staff in hand “sweeping” the snow in the back row. It looked so funny, like a shepherd busy cleaning his house. His old Sunday school teacher sat behind us and whispered to us, “Could Cody come sweep my house when he’s done here?” Oh, the poor boy lost his focus! (smile) As his choir sat down on stage later to listen to the 3 year old choir, Cody could be seen in the shadows monkey-shining. His lips were totally pooched out and he was swaying his head back and forth to the music in a silly fashion. Bless his heart, though, because whenever, it was time for him to sing, his expression turned very reverent, and he sang his little heart out. He is definitely, all boy, for sure!

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