Today I Soar

There are some days my heart just feels like it is soaring, floating on answers to prayers or kind words. This week I had one of those days. Cody saw me and said, “Mommy, you’re the sweetest mommy!” He tells me things like this often, but he topped it off later with something I had always hoped for. For some reason, I felt lead to ask him how he liked first grade. Choosing to homeschool, made his answer so much more meaningful. He answered immediately, “It’s AWESOME! You’re the best mom…aaaand the greatest teacher!” I never knew he considered me his teacher in first grade, considering he has a video program where Miss Wieler does most of the talking and instructing. But he does view me as teacher and loves learning together. Later that day, when asked by a nurse at his follow-up appointment for Kawasaki Disease how school was going, Cody got a big smile and said, “It’s fun! I get to do all sorts of art projects!” I was apprehensive about homeschooling in the beginning but knew without a doubt that was what God was calling us to do at this time in our lives. I have seen so many opportunities opened up for us with other families and students and have been blown away with how God has blessed this effort! My God constantly amazes me!

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