Heart’s Desires

Anna likes to help me set up my Sunday school classroom before the children arrive. One day she asked if she could set some play-doh out for the kids. She did such a good job setting up little play stations at each seat. I commented that she would make a good teacher. She giggled and said, “I just want to be a mommy. I have always wanted to be a mommy.” I thought of myself as a little girl. Christmastime I would circle the newest baby in the advertisements, hoping I would get one. I would cut out baby faces from magazines and paste them in a little scrapbook, dreaming about one day being a mommy myself. That is all I ever dreamed of, that and teaching and being a wife to a man who loved God. And today there is still no role I would rather have. Anna has asked me several times in the past, “Will I get to be a mommy some day?” I hope so. And I hope her children are every bit as sweet, compassionate, loving, and joyful little beings like herself. God gave me the desires of my heart when He gave me these little ones to care for. I love being their mother and wouldn’t trade this for any other role this world has to offer!

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