Brain Development

Dylan’s little mind has been growing rapidly it seems. Now that he has turned two he seems to be changing so much. Today he wanted to climb into the car and into his car seat all by himself, and he also wanted to get out of the car by himself as well which is a pretty good distance to the ground for such a tiny guy. At naptime when I kissed him goodnight he shook his head at me and pointed at my nose. I asked him, “No, what?” Being a new two he still can’t communicate everything verbally, so I was surprised when he hurriedly grabbed my hand as I was getting up from his bed and said, “Stay!” I laid down with him and moved my arm to stroke his hair. He thought I was getting ready to leave again and insisted I stay one more time. I love hearing what his precious voice sounds like and what is on his mind. He is saying new words and sentences every day it seems. He likes to play with the locks on our doors now. We found this out the hard way. A friend of mine came over Friday with her 3 small children. It was gorgeous outside, so the kids ate lunch on the patio, and then they wanted to play in the backyard. I later brought Dylan out, shutting the door behind me. Apparently, Dylan messed with the lower lock and all of us were locked out with no phone to call Shawn with a key to come let us back in the house. My friend’s purse was inside as well, so she had no keys to even drive herself home. It made for some fun laughs! We caught Dylan later locking Shawn out of the house that afternoon (thankfully, he had his keys on him, though, at the time), and about an hour later Dylan was caught playing with the locks again. I seriously have to watch this boy now! I can’t imagine my days without him…he keeps life fun! Love this little man!

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