Five Years Old
Anna has never really experienced any of those terrible twos predictions people talk about. We thought maybe we would see it at the ages of 3 or 4, but nope! She has gone from calm and sweet to absolutely joyful and loving. She actually came up to me yesterday and told me, “Mommy, I think really hard about trying to be good. I just think and think and think about how I should be good. I think about it all the time, and then I just try to be good and be nice.” And I believe she probably does think about it and makes a conscious effort. There is a little girl in the neighborhood who sometimes gets picked on by one of the neighborhood boys. I have watched as Anna reaches out and helps be a friend to her in those times. I am so proud of the little girl Anna is growing into. I told Shawn several months ago that if I was a little girl I would totally pick Anna as my friend, totally. She is just the kind of friend anyone would want to have. I am so proud of who she is and excited to see what God has in store for her life. Happy birthday, Anna!
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