Yesterday Happenings

I woke up in the morning later than I had hoped, and Dylan seemed to wake up earlier than usual. I hurried to get ready with Dylan by my side all the while. He began to fuss wanting to show me something, wanting me take something he had found. In a hurry, I finally reached over to appease him. I thought it was way too early in the morning to be concerned about carpet fuzz or whatever it was he found. He handed it to me in my one hand while I brushed my hair with the other. I looked down. Dylan had handed me his booger…what a start to my day! (smile)

Anna had her first soccer practice last night with Daddy being her coach. She was so proud to have him coach her and told me when she saw him come down the stairs in his soccer clothes, “Wow! Daddy looks AWESOME in his things!” Anna’s friend is playing on her team this year. She told me on the drive home, “Mommy, I whispered into Hannah’s ear while we were lined up on the field, ‘I love you’ two times.” And that is the serious business that goes on during 3-6 year old girl’s soccer practices! Oh, and I do love the name Shawn chose for the team. Royal blue jerseys, so the team will be called the Blueberries! So cute for little girls, reminds me of a Strawberry Shortcake character!

At night Cody begs to read his new Bible to us. I love that he wants to read it. He told me, “Now I can be a missionary and read my Bible to other people!” This is just another joy of him learning to read…he loves it so much!

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