Zoo Animals at the Library

Some friends invited us to the library today to see some animals brought in from the zoo. It was enjoyable to hear the stories and songs and meet the different animals up close. Cody’s favorite was the snake, of course, and Anna liked the chinchilla best. I brought my camera this time because Cody asked me several weeks ago if I had remembered my camera when we had gone to see a reptile program. I couldn’t believe I forgot it that day, or the fact that my almost 7 seven year old son cared whether I had my camera…you know it’s a good show when he asks for me to take some photos! The man that day brought in a HUGE snake, and Cody wanted to capture its image. Dylan and Cody petted it after the show was over. Anna wanted no part in that! He also brought in a large African bullfrog, a lizard bigger than any we have ever seen, and a massive turtle. This turtle was the highlight of the kids’ trip. I knew it as soon as the man grabbed him out of the box, and it began going to the bathroom all over the floor…couldn’t stop the giggles from the kids at that point! This man gets paid hundreds of dollars to put on shows for birthday parties and other fun events. I can see why too. This man had children involvement and was so entertaining and even informative. I felt like we got so lucky that day to have heard about this event from the same friend who invited us this morning!

Anyways, here are a few photos from our morning today. Anna was surprised to find that one of her absolute best friends was there this morning as well. You can tell from the pictures they were a little excited to see each other!

As we were leaving we checked out the eggs that were sitting out at the front desk in an incubator. The librarian said the chicks should hatch in about a day or two. We will call this week to find out if they have hatched…don’t want to miss it!

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