Baby Bird

Today Cody and Anna came running into the house excitedly saying, “Mom, one of the baby birds has hatched!” Several of their friends were over playing, and they all began telling me about it. I snapped this photo of the bald, TINY creature. At one point, Dylan climbed up to the fort to take a peek at the Momma bird that had joined her baby in the nest. When he began to look inside, though, the mother bird bolted as fast as it could out of that nest, scaring Dylan as he scrambled to get as low onto the floor of the fort as possible. A friend and her husand were over at our house also, and we all laughed so hard at Dylan’s reaction, including Dylan. He put his hands in the air and kept telling us, “Momma (meaning the Momma bird). Scared!” I am not sure if he was meaning he scared the momma bird or if it scared him, but he kept saying it over and over again in a deep voice all while his hands were up in the air…not sure if he was imitating flying or complete terror! Whatever it was, he thought it was hilarious!

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