Mother’s Poem

On Mother’s Day all I really want to do is spend the day with my family, doing fun, simple things together. Just spending time together, without responsibilities, those are the best days. Life gets so busy, sometimes we wish for a clone, a housekeeper, a nanny, someone to help you juggle it all…because truth be told, I wish I could just play the day away with my little ones. So Sunday we went to Purina Farms and just played and enjoyed the day together. We laughed at how much Dylan LOVED the animals and squealed with delight over them. Anna and Cody milked the cow, but Anna thought she did not milk it. “Why did only water come out?” she asked. She was so pleased to hear it was pure dairy milk. Cody’s favorite part of the day was the dog show. He made sure he sat up front in the splash zone. That’s Cody for you, always wanting to be right in on the action at these events. I love how he soaks it all in. I read this poem from another blog several months ago. It was just what I needed that day and completely brought me to tears. I wanted to share it…

“Mother’s Poem to My Grown-up Son”

My hands were busy throughout the day;

I didn’t have much time to play.

The little games you asked me to,

I’d wash your clothes, I’d sew and cook

But when you would bring me your picture book

And ask me please to share your fun…

I’d say, “a little later, son.”

I’d tuck you in all safe at night

And hear your prayers, turn out the light,

then tip-toe softly to the door…

And I’d wish I stayed a minute more.

For life is short and years rush past…

A little boy grows up so fast.

No longer is he by your side,

His precious secrets to confide.

The picture books are put away.

There are no longer games to play.

No goodnight kiss, no prayers to hear…

That all belong to yesteryear.

My hands once busy, now are still.

The days are long and hard to fill.

I wish I could go back and do…

The little things you asked me to.


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