2 Months Old

Abigail had her 2 month check-up at the doctor today. She weighs 12 lbs. even which puts her in the 74th percentile. She is 23 inches (68%) and has a head circumference of 38.6 cm (40%.) Abigail is smiling a lot more now and can hold a rattle briefly. She is eating and sleeping on a more scheduled basis now. She prefers to sleep on her stomach and is starting to really like nap time. Her hair is growing back in brown, and her once so skinny thighs are really feeling out now. I love it! Abigail, I am so glad you are growing so healthy, and your smile brightens my day. I love how Cody, Anna, and Dylan just love and adore you. Cody thinks you first smiled at him, and he is so proud of that…I can’t tell him differently! 🙂 Anna still cares for you constantly. Daddy said we need to pay Anna because she is such a big help, not so much that we ask her to help with you…she just loves to love you! Dylan always wants to touch you. He holds on to your foot even when we are going up and down the stairs. He feels a strong bond with you already. You get excited when Daddy comes home from work. You definitely know he’s yours! I love you sweet Abby and enjoy watching you grow!

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