4th of July Photos ~ Finally!

Shawn’s family came into town over the 4th of July, and we celebrated it downtown this year. We watched the air show and fireworks from the hotel Saturday, and then headed down to the arch for some snow cones. We also got to take a ride on one of the carriages downtown which is something I have been wanting to do with the kids for awhile now. I think it would be fun to go back around Christmastime in the evening when it is getting dark and take a buggy ride. Shawn and I did that several times before we had children, and it was so much fun. Sunday we went to the Science center, but after that everything got a little crazy. It began pouring down rain, and we ended up on the wrong Metro bus. Cody and Anna got the giggles and became a little delarious on the looong ride back on the Metro that Anna had a very slight accident which left her having to go commando as we left the airport (where we parked our car for the weekend.) And I think because of the sheer panic of losing one of our children on the Metro (with the doors sucking themselves shut so quickly) Shawn shouts out in the airport parking lot for everyone to hurry across. Water from the downpour of rain got between my foot and flip-flops which resulted in me and Dylan falling down on the pavement. Graceful falls, if there is such a thing. It was a lot of fun but was nice to get back to our dry home that evening. Speaking of falling, I fell yet once again the other week as I was getting out of our car. Shawn pulled up right next to a curb as we were going in somewhere to eat, and I guess I didn’t check that out before stepping back into it. I immediately popped back into the car insisting that we choose another location to eat, but Shawn said we were not leaving just to save my pride! Ha! I have gone years without falling, so I have no clue why I am starting now. BUT I must say, Cody has been so kind after each spill. I asked him the first time if my fall was kind of funny. He insisted, with such tenderness in his eyes, that it wasn’t. He was really concerned for me, I think. Maybe it’s not until 5th grade when those things become funny, I don’t know. The second fall, Cody came over and offered me his hand to help me across, so I wouldn’t get hurt. What a sweetheart!! Anyways, I am hoping that these are the last of my wipeouts. Falling is one of the most humbling experiences. I think I have been humbled enough for one month! Ha!

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