Cardinal Tradition and Playin’ in The Rain

This summer we have started a new tradition. Our gas station down the street from us is offering 20 oz. drinks for 25 cents whenever our Cardinal’s baseball team scores 6 or more points the night before. The kids think it is so much fun to go and get slushies. They are trying to get a different flavor each time I think. Today they got a blue berry slushy…Yeah, imagine that spilling all over the car! Ha! After lunch it began pouring down rain, so Cody, Anna, and Dylan put on their swim suits and played hard in it, well, except Dylan. He wanted to so badly, but it was REALLY pouring. He was not ready for that kind of a down-pour. He took one step out the front door and then headed back inside. He later thought that if he threw his monkey towel over his head and went out like that it would make him braver. He took a few more steps with that attempt but then decided it wasn’t such a good game plan afterall! He decided it was more fun to watch from the window. The kids love a good rain without any thunder or lightning. They will splash to their heart’s content!

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