What’s For Dinner?

Last night I told Dylan I was going to make dinner. He scrunched his eyebrows and looked very concerned. He said to me, “I on’t ike icken pot pie.,” translated, “I don’t like chicken pot pie.” Well, we weren’t going to have that anyways (that was the other night…and, well, the other night also for leftovers.) He said to me, “ot og,” translated “hot dog.” I said to him, “Oh, you want a hot dog?” He smiled and nodded, “Uh-huh!” He was very adamant about not wanting chicken pot pie as he continued to tell me his feelings for it. Then he looks at me and says, “Pray.” I assumed he meant that we will pray at dinner time, so I agreed. Next thing I knew I looked over and he had his hands folded and was praying fervently right then and there. I heard him telling God about chicken pot pie and his disdain for it. I listened through all his 2 year old jibberish and gathered he was pleading for God to help Mommy make the “right” choice for dinner that night. He desperately wanted a hot dog. Really he just wanted anything other than chicken pot pie! I listened as he said “Amen,” and I just began smiling as I asked him about praying to God to help him. He nodded and said with those same concerned, scrunched eyebrows “pit! pit!” My response, “Oh, you spit chicken pot pie out?” He nodded emphatically. I think my cooking would feel slightly offended if it wasn’t just so funny! Needless to say, we did NOT have chicken pot pie, and I went the fun route and gave breakfast for dinner…pancakes!
These are photos taken the other night of the kids trying to talk Dylan into sharing his pink flamingo snow cone. They all got different flavors, but Dylan’s was by far the best. They are offering him some of theirs in exchange for a bite of his! He happily agreed!

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