Bozo The Clown Goes To War

I took Dylan to a friend’s birthday party this evening. It was so much fun! Kate, Matthew’s mother, hired a pony and donkey to come out and give rides to all the children. Dylan loved Isabel the horse the most I think. He kept talking about it and peeking outside the door looking for it even after it was gone. Danielle (Dani) is seen riding with Dylan in the picture below. She painted Dylan’s face to look like a pirate. She ran out of black paint, so she improvised with green. Shawn said it looked like Bozo the Clown was going to war! Ha! Cody and Anna went swimming while Dylan, Abigail, and I went to the party. By the way, I am loving Cracker Barrel lately. They have the neatest gifts for children, and I even picked up some science projects there for school this year. These things make learning so much more fun!

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