Meet Cole

We went with some friends to an indoor playground the other day. While there Anna played mostly with Cole. When she was younger Cole would always want to play basketball or some other game with Anna, but she was apprehensive of rowdy boys at the time. She, quite honestly, was pretty cautious of boys, maybe a little scared of them. Now, though, her and Cole are great friends, and, at this particular play date, Cole ran and told his mom that he LOVED her! He was so happy Anna gave him attention, and Tina (his mother) said that before this play date was over there was going to be a wedding come from it! Cole is a little sweetheart. He invited Anna to come play at his house, so we will have to do more together now that Anna is not afraid of him! Cody made a new friend that day, Luke. They were showing off their gaps (missing teeth) to me. There is pride in having missing teeth at this age!

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