Six Flags

The high temperatures of this summer have broken this week, and we were finally able to use Cody’s free Six Flags ticket he earned during the past school year. The whole day was wonderful. Cody said the morning we left that he was so excited he just wanted to “bounce around!” The whole day before we went he kept telling me how he was going to ride his first big roller coaster (since he has grown taller and can ride more of the rides) with me. He kept telling me the whole day that, “You’re the best!” I am glad he feels that way about me. I hope he always does. Anyways, Cody did awesome! He rode the Ninja and loved it. He went on to ride several other roller coasters that day and did great. He almost bailed when it was his turn to ride the Boss because they informed everyone that they had to stop the ride for a brief period to clean it due to someone getting sick on it! Cody all of a sudden was feeling sick himself! Ha! He talked himself back into it, though, and had a great time. I remember when I was a little girl and my dad trying to talk me into going on a scary roller coaster. I tried to act brave but inside was fighting my nerves. This time I was nervous for Cody. After we rode the Ninja he told me, “Mom, I was a little scared, but then I remembered God was with me and you were with me, and that made me not feel so scared.” I am so glad Cody remembers God is with him no matter where he goes. That touched my heart and also that he finds security with me. I really enjoyed getting to just have fun with the kids yesterday. On a side note ~ a little girl in line kept talking about how pretty Anna’s hair was. She got my attention and told me she thought Anna was so cute. I hope Anna always knows what a beautiful girl she is inside and out. She really is such a sweetheart.

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