Take Me Out To The Ball Game

I wanted to share a few photos taken last weekend at the Cardinals baseball game that Cody and his choir sang at. They sang the song “Take Me Out To The Ball Game,” and it was so cute! Of course, we had peanuts, cracker jacks, and hot dogs for dinner! We all had a fun evening. It was Abigail’s first game! Dylan loved cheering for the team. However, he was a little mixed up on exactly when to cheer…The whole stadium could be quiet as the crowd watched the next play, and all of a sudden there would be high-pitched squeals and clapping coming from Dylan’s seat! I kept telling him to stay quiet and wait until everyone else began cheering also. 🙂 I think toddlers, though, are sort of “in one ear, out the other” when it comes to remembering volume control. Dylan is a party all by himself!!

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