Word Scramble

This weekend we went to the corn maze in town. It was fun for me too because we got a family photo in front of the cornstalks just like last year, but this time Abigail was in it. Well, technically she was in the other photo last year also (just inside my tummy). Anyways, this could be a fun tradition to do each year to see how much everyone has changed! The farmer changed it up a bit. Instead of just giving the kids a map and having them find the numbered markers throughout the maze, they also had to write down a letter that was on the marker. After finding the letters, we had to unscramble them to find the hidden message. The kids were so surprised afterwards because after they solved it the farmer gave them a mini 100 grand candy bar! They were not expecting that sweet surprise. Inside the corn maze, the kids were delighted to have a llittle black and white cat following them during our hunt. At times, it would walk off the beaten path into the stalks of corn and then eventually come bounding out of nowhere! This sent Cody, Anna, and Dylan chasing after it. This cat was so funny in its surprise and “purposeful” missions that Shawn and I agreed it reminded us of a scene straight out of Alice and Wonderland. I could almost hear it calling out, “I’m late! I’m late!…” It was a fun start to fall!

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