Clearwater Beach

I figure it is time for some beach photos. The ones I am posting are from our last day at Clearwater. The kids said for their last day they wanted to play at the beach. They brought the boogy boards from the rental house we were staying at and “rode the waves.” I can almost hear the giggles coming from the kids as I look at these sweet images. This was probably the most meaningful experience to me on the trip. You see, if I had a bucket list this would be at the TOP…seeing the ocean with all of my children. I remember when I saw the ocean for the first time in high school I was just in absolute awe of it. I mean it is so massive with no end in sight. So powerful, no human being can withstand its strength. Looking at it, it is obvious THERE IS A GOD. A few years ago I had constant headaches and what appeared as a possible mild seizure. The doctors scheduled an MRI, and as soon as I got back home from the MRI, I got a phone call to come right back in. The nurse told me “they found something.” As I lay in the machine, I remember a tear rolling down my cheek, and all I could think about was seeing the ocean with my children. I wanted it to be me there with them when they saw it for the first time, and I wanted to tell them about how awesome their Creator is. So incredibly grateful Shawn and I got to share this moment with them…
On a side note, there is a little bird in the one photo that kept hanging around where Dylan was playing. I took a picture of it because I noticed it was missing its right foot. Poor little thing.

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