Eat Your Heart Out

Shawn says one of the enjoyable things about vacation is trying new restaurants. Our favorite places we ate at while there were Crabby Bill’s (where they don’t just serve crabs…they serve anyone!), The Friendly Fisherman (where we noticed Abby’s first tooth), Frenchy’s (which I wrote about in an earlier post), and Bubba Gump’s (although I haven’t seen the movie, it was a lot of fun to eat there.) While eating outside at Bubba Gumps, we were able to watch from our seats as the drawbridge lifted to allow ships to pass under. I have never seen that before, and, I must say, it looked pretty impressive. I was as fascinated as the kids I think! All of these restaurants had delicious food. I tried things I had never eaten before and loved every dish. But equally important was all the friendly waitresses and waiters we ended up getting. They made it extra fun. I am also throwing in some random images that I love from our time in Florida. Things I just want to keep etched in my memory, like how Dylan HAD to walk with his hands in his pockets. That little boy loves his pockets. I think it makes him feel big!… Or images like the paper Anna colored for me and slipped quietly into my bed while I napped one day. It said “Love at first sight” which is precisely how I felt when I saw her for the first time. We also found it funny how Dylan stopped dead in his tracks and wanted to show us something at a shop we had passed. The shop you ask? Well, the sign out front had a big ice cream cone with, I believe, a scoop of chocolate and a scoop of strawberry ice cream on top! Hope you enjoy some of these last photos from vacation.

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