Little Toot

One of the most amazing things we did on our trip was to take a dolphin tour, guaranteed sightings of dolphins or your money back. The boat we took was called the Little Toot. You can just imagine the giggles that ensued among the kids with that name! During the boat ride, the guide pointed out locations along the way, even pointing out Hulk Hogan’s home. Dylan almost immediately fell asleep as the boat rocked him to sleep. I had to sit beside him to ensure he wouldn’t topple off his seat; his head kept dropping further and further down. We were towards the end of our boat ride before anyone sighted the dolphins, and then it happened….about a half dozen or so dolphins just riding the wake right behind us! It was just AWESOME! I held Dylan as I took photos, all of us just impressed by the gentle creatures. You know, it wasn’t until I got home that I really realized…when the dolphins were spotted, IMMEDIATELY people cleared the way and grabbed our children to show them this amazing thing. It really touches my heart over their kindness. A lot of people would probably push and shove, but these people instantly thought of our kids. That was so sweet. My best memory of it all was when it was over and the dolphins had swam away, Cody looked at me and said quietly, “Mom, I’m never going to forget this.” I CHERISH this memory with them. We topped the outing off with some ice cream afterwards.:)

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