Loose Teeth

The very next day after I wrote about Abigail’s first tooth, we discovered Anna had her first loose tooth. She was so excited, as was Cody! They got out the mirror and were checking it out. She actually has 2 loose teeth, the ones on the bottom front. However, about a week later I saw Anna was getting her grown-up tooth behind those other two teeth, and the other teeth are not budging any more at all. We have a check-up at the dentist already scheduled for tomorrow, and I have a feeling they are going to have us come back to pull some teeth. Anna is so excited about seeing the dentist tomorrow. She says it is sooo fun going there. I hope she still feels that way after our appointment. I am grateful for a sweet, gentle dentist tonight. I know he will do his best for her. Saying a little prayer tonight for Anna. Love her so much.

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