Miniature Golf

The first day in Florida we had to get breakfast and buy groceries for the week. We didn’t have a lot of time that first day, so we stopped at a really cool pirate mini-golf course and played with the kids. The office there had a talking parrot that the kids thoroughly enjoyed conversing with. I also managed to sneak a purchase for Cody’s Christmas stocking without him catching me…a very tough-looking pirate pen that I think Cody will think is pretty awesome. I will say, the very first day I noticed (and it continued throughout the week) the people there were sooo nice and came up just to chat and be friendly. We were in a retirement community, so there were a lot of older folks who seemed to just be taking it easy. Shawn and I joked that the slow pace where we were staying fitted us so nicely in this stage of our lives with young kids. This is how we like to roll! By the way, Cody got a hole in one that day. He was pretty proud!

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