
One thing Shawn wanted us to do before we left Clearwater was to go parasailing. Now, I was fine going by myself, but I couldn’t imagine taking Cody or Anna up. We tried one day to go but the winds were too strong, and the captain called it off once Cody and I got out there. It was such rough, choppy water, (which Cody LOVED) so I was secretly relieved. Shawn picked Gators Parasailing in John’s Pass for our next attempt. This company allowed Anna’s age to ride also, and we picked such a calm day that we could even take Abigail along on the boat ride. The water was like a lake that morning, nice and peaceful. The plan was for Shawn and Anna to ride together and Cody and me to ride. However, Dylan, seeing Shawn and Anna parasail, made him want to go. He kept asking, very hopefully. One of the workers told me Dylan could go up if I wanted to take him. He said he took his daughter up around 13 months of age, and it was so peaceful that she was asleep by the time they got back down to the boat. He said he has had an 11 month old parasail before. Then I recalled a photo I saw at their outdoor stand of a dog parasailing with their company. Oh my! Oh, and did I mention that they so graciously bumped us up from our 600 ft. rope we paid for to the 800 ft. line for free just because we reserved in advance, and they were feeling kind…yikes! Well, I told them to watch for my signal if Dylan was too scared and wanted down, but, thankfully, I didn’t need it. Dylan loved it and asked to go even higher! Dylan and Cody both were boys of few words while up there, just taking it all in. Afterwards, Cody said he wants to go the 1200 ft. distance next time, and they all say it was one of, if not the most, favorite thing they did there. By the way, the guys there did a GREAT job with the kids. I loved how gentle they were with Anna and how they called the boys “partner.” What little boy wouldn’t feel like a big champ with that nickname?! They gave Cody, Anna, and Dylan frisbees after their rides.

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