Taking Flight

While at the beach we saw so many sea gulls and sand pipers. Dylan, the very first day, discovered how fun it is to chase them. Oh, how his feet ran to stay up with them! He laughed and laughed the entire time, and the people at the beach got such a kick out of watching him. Who doesn’t enjoy watching a little boy displaying the joys of childhood?! We also found out that first day that he was going to need to be reigned in. He unexpectedly kept on going down the beach, far from our comfort zone. We tried to call for him, but his little mind was too absorbed in catching birds. When we caught up with him we had to explain that he can only chase the birds so far! He had a favorite orange toy that he liked to chase them with. I am not really sure why, but he would take it with him at times when he was going to be sneaky. Cody thought it would be fun to give the birds a bath with his water bazooka that he took into the ocean. He would fill it up, and shower the birds. Anna got delight out of chasing them also but was a lot milder than her brothers. I think the birds liked seeing her coming.

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