Christmas 2011

We had a nice Christmas celebrating Jesus’ birth. This was our year to stay home, but we were glad to have my parents come stay with us the week before Christmas day! This month we enjoyed watching the Chidren’s Theater put on the play It’s A Wonderful Life at the community college. Several girls from our church were in it. Anna completely adores the one girl (who, I believe is 13). Emily always hugs Anna wen seeing her at church and talks to her all the time. We had to get photos with her after the play. Anna said she looked “so beautiful” in the play with her stage clothes! We enjoyed looking at lights, especially the house a few miles from our place that had lights set to music. We went there several times. We had a cookie exchange at a friend’s house that caused a lot of laughter! If you are reading this, Mom, than you know why! (smile) But, most of all,I enjoyed the Christmas Eve service this year. It is so nice and just enjoy the calm and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. At the end of the service the whole congregation sang Silent Night and lit candles that we held up throughout the song. It was sooo beautiful, but I could hardly enjoy because I was a nervous wreck. Why the state of panic, you ask??? Shawn had LIT Dylan’s candle for him!! Oh, my! I was so fearful for the poor ladies in front of me that he would drop it on them. I was holding Abigail at the time, and Shawn was actually holding Dylan with his own lit candle. Shawn told me afterward that he made sure Dylan did not tip it (I think to avoid wax dripping). I mentioned, “But what about DROPPING it?” Shawn said something like “Oh, yeah.” and laughed! Okay, if anyone knows our 2 year old…Dylan plus fire equals a wild time! Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

P.S. Look who is now sitting up! AND today, December 26th Abigail army crawled for the first time trying to reach Cody’s shoe. Proud moment.

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