Thanksgiving Party

We had some friends over for a school Thanksgiving party a few days before traveling to Arkansas to celebrate with Shawn’s family. It was so much fun planning the food and games! The kids all had a great time, and Cody and Anna’s friends were not ready to leave. It was great fun! I posted some more Thanksgiving photos from our time at Shawn’s parents’ house. All of us had fun on their zipline that runs along the side of their house, and I posted my targets from our time at the gun range we went to while there. It was my first time shooting Shawn’s new gun, and I guess I did pretty well, according to Shawn. The target with the torso and head, I just hit the head shots on that one (Shawn shot the torso). But the other target was all me! I have to say, I really enjoyed shooting! When we were getting ready to leave, some men came in. As I watched one of the men shooting I couldn’t help but notice I actually shot better than him! Okay, enough of my bragging. (smile)
By the way, the decorated sugar cones that look like clown hats are tepees. The grocery store did not have brown or black icing. We had very vibrant Indian dwellings!

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