The Day I Almost Burnt The House Down

The other day I was heating Abigail’s baby food in the microwave. We have done this for years, but, apparently, this time I must have left a tiny piece of the foil backing on the plastic container because when I opened up the refrigerator there was a small fire. Yikes, I know! For some reason, I pulled the paper towel that I was covering the food with (gotta prevent messes, right) thinking I would just blow the fire out that was on that. Well, it immediately (insert whooshing sound) went up in flames. I stared at the proximity of my hand in shock and threw the paper towel into the sink. Then I looked into the microwave to see an even larger flame going now. Now this is where I panic a bit….two small pieces of paper towel float out from the microwave (on fire) up toward the ceiling, near our kitchen cabinets. I managed to get everything put out, and no damage was done, but let me tell you that made for an exciting lunchtime. Abigail was the only other witness to it all. She got a front row seat from her highchair. Anna came in later, and first thing out of her mouth was, “What’s that smell?” Oh, my!

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