A Colorful World

Almost every morning while Cody and Anna are doing schoolwork, I sit down with Dylan and work on learning his colors. Sometimes we play games with them. Sometimes we use flash cards, and sometimes we sort. Dylan can count and tell us some pretty tricky shapes, but, for some reason, colors seem to trip him up a bit. I remember months ago when I was asking him his colors he answered me in his usual silly fashion, “Hmmm…, (as if thinking long and hard) how about…” Shawn walked in right about then, and joked, “It’s not an opinion.” Ha! Dylan recognized black and white VERY well, so Shawn posed the question, “What if he’s color blind?” I immediately started looking back over the past, and it all started to sound very plausible. I immediately began to worry. I couldn’t imagine Dylan’s world not being full of color. He has sooo much personality that I couldn’t possibly imagine him not seeing the vibrancy in life. I felt sad for him. The next week I began having him sort M&Ms and discovered he actually DID recognize color, just wasn’t able to name them yet or pick them out when asked. I felt so relieved, and now I know his learning of his colors will come in time, and I am so fine with being patient in the process. I am just so glad my little boy can see this bright beautiful world. Shawn works with a man who is color blind and talks about what he does at stoplights. You don’t think about those things until you are actually dealing with it. I imagine there are so many obstacles people face who experience this. It makes you appreciate your sight so much more. I think tomorrow for breakfast I will put a little blue food coloring in our milks…may as well make the learning fun, right?

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