Animal Control

Last week we went on a field trip to the animal control/pet adoption sight. It was so fun for the kids and very informative. I learned a lot. Here are a few photos from our time there. I love how affectionate Anna was with Dylan while there. You can see her kissing him on the cheek in the one photo. She would also lift him up to see in cages that were too high for him. Cody has his hand raised in the one photo. His question?…How can we go about adopting a pet from them! Ha! Can you imagine Shawn’s delight if we came back with another dog or CAT even! When we walked into a room with a large amount of kennels Dylan covered his ears the ENTIRE time we were in there. Those dogs were too noisy! Our tour guide and instructor joked that she did not see him volunteering for them anytime in the near future!

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