It’s Good To Laugh

I am really good at forgetting to write down funny things the kids say, so I thought before the night ends I would share a few things from today. As we were getting out of our car tonight, Cody says to me, “Mom, I can’t get the car door to open.” He was trying to open the door next to Dylan’s seat. I said, “Oh, Dad probably put it on child-lock. I’ll come over and open it for you.” (I was on the other side, outside the car, unbuckling Abigail from her car seat.) When I came around and opened Cody’s door he said, “But how do they know it is a child trying to open it?” I thought that was cute, and I can see where that would seem very confusing to a child! As we were leaving the building where Anna has Awana she told me that her friend Hannah’s grandmother came to Awana and helped out tonight. When we walked out to the parking lot, Hannah’s car was pulled up to the building, and her grandmother was helping get Hannah and her sisters in. Anna blurts out, “There she is, Mommy! The one with white hair. She’s REALLY old.” Oh my! And this did not happen today but another day, but I just think it is too cute not to record. Anna was coloring with markers one afternoon. When she got done with the front side she turned it over to color the back. Upon seeing the marker that had bled through the paper she said, “Oh, someone must have colored this side already!” I thought that was cute, but I didn’t say anything as I watched her tear another page out of her coloring book and check both sides (I thought) carefully. After she got done coloring with her markers on the front side she again turned her page over. She looked a little stumped and said something like, “Hmm, someone colored this side, I guess, too.”!

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