Three Years Old and The Barn

We celebrated Dylan’s birthday this month. He turned three and is already looking so much older to me. He is starting to outgrow his clothes, so it is time to pull out the boxes of Cody’s 3 and 4 year size tops and pants. The thing that is the most meaningful to me about Dylan right now (and it started just about 2 weeks ago) is that he has initiated saying, “I love you!” He says it with so much punch and feeling. I totally love it! I remember when Cody and Anna began saying it for the first time on their own. It is something that just really makes my heart pay attention and time just stand still for a few seconds. I was cleaning the dishes at the sink when Dylan came in and wrapped his arms around my leg and said with so much feeling, “I loove you, Mommy!” I think I asked him to tell me again what he said. I just couldn’t believe my ears, and I wanted to hear it again! I hugged him right up, you know! Then he said it again to me as he was going around a corner in the house, and he hasn’t stopped since! Today he said it at such an unexpected time, which seems to be his fashion. And he says it with so much love and admiration that it takes my breath away, really. I love this little guy. He has gotten ornery these days, and pesters his brother and sister by copying them continually. He is our little parrot, and I think, actually know, he loves the reaction he gets from Cody and Anna when he mimics every word they say. I think he finally feels like he has some power over his older siblings, and he is big stuff! We all love him and can’t imagine not having his fun personality in our home. I took some three year old photos of him the other week that I think capture his personality perfectly. I hope you enjoy! I have had my eye on this barn for years now, and a friend and I joked years ago about taking photos there one day. Well, I finally decided to go knock on the door and ask the owner if it would be alright. It was a sweet older lady, and she totally set off her house alarm when answering the door for me! But she seemed flattered that I asked and told me to take my time. The photos I got are some of my absolute favorites! I love that rocking horse. Shawn’s mom got it for Cody as a baby, and I just wanted to always remember it. It has provided a lot of giggles, but so have the riders. 🙂 Shawn joked, “Only Dylan could take a rocking horse and turn it into a comedy act!”

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