Valentine Party

Today CCC had their Valentine party for the second through 5th grade classes. Cody was so excited to go because his friend Colton was going to be there. I was so grateful to Shawn for working it out for him to be able to work from home this morning to stay with Anna who was running fever. I was able to take Cody, Dylan, and Abigail to the party. We had a great time playing at Planet Fun, where the party was held, and exchanging Valentines. Cody’s Valentine box won the Valentine box contest! I wish I had taken a photo of the boxes set out at the ends of the table because they were pretty elaborate…a large Angry Bird pinata-looking box and other fun characters. Some people spent a lot of time on theirs. Cody came out of the room and proudly showed me his prize…a big heart box filled with chocolate candies and an adorable stuffed toy dog holding a bone. I was so grateful to Ms. Tracy who gave us a heart gift bag to set out for the Valentine exchange for Anna. I told Anna that I would take her box that we made and set it out for the exchange and then pass out her cards for her. Well, I remembered her cards but forgot her box, which I accidentally left in our garage. Thankfully, Tracy had a cute Valentine bag, so Anna was thrilled to receive all sorts of cards and candy from the party even though she couldn’t attend. By the way, Cody’s friend Colton is in the red sweatshirt standing near him during the Valentine card exchange. Cody told me he voted for Colton’s box…true friendship!

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