9 Months

Okay, so Abigail is 10 months old today, but I wanted to post her 9 month statistics from the doctor before anymore time got away from me. Abigail is 17 lbs. 14 ounces and is in the 25th percentile for her weight. She is 27 1/2 inches long and in the 38th percentile. Her head circumference is 43.7 cm and is in the 34th percentile. Basically, she is a tiny little baby for her age. She is so much busier now and likes to crawl. Just several short months ago her exersaucer was a great delight to her. Now, she does not want to be confined and would rather go exploring. She has ventured up the stairs once. I saw her headed for them, so I assisted her as she made the big adventure. I told Shawn she looked as if she was climbing Everest with so much look of determination in her face, fists clutching the carpet fibers as tightly as they could. When acknowledged, she broke out in a huge smile and looked so proud of her accomplishment! The other day Shawn and I were calling around to doctors, and we took our eyes off Abigail for just a few seconds. Shawn said something like, “Oh, no…look at Abigail.” She was in the other room picking every single tissue out of the Kleenex box. No wonder she was being so quiet with such fun entertainment! I love her to pieces! Oh, and before I forget…March 7th Abigail said “Bye-Bye” for the first time and has been pretty consistent saying it ever since! She also has said “Tigger” very clearly quite a few times now for our dog. And, of course, she says “Momma” and “Dadda” pretty well. She likes to say “Night-night” also to us at bedtime. She loves to wave and play patty-cake and peek-a-boo. She is in a size 4 diaper and has begun eating more “big girl” food like spaghetti and grilled cheese. She is very content and cuddly right now. Tonight we sat out on the deck with her blanket and toy and watched as her big brothers and sister played with friends. I sang to her, and the wind blew on us, and it was the perfect evening. Thanks for the cuddles tonight, Abigail! I don’t ever want to forget them.

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