Arkansas Easter

We spent Easter Sunday in Arkansas with Shawn’s family. Shawn’s dad Mike did an AWESOME egg hunt for the kids, sending them on a scavenger hunt with clues all over their property. He has done this with Shawn’s sisters growing up and let our kids in on the fun this year. They loved it. I think I will try to start this at our own home…what a fun tradition! The kids had fun on the zipline, and Dylan keeps asking if we can go back soon to ride. He is a thrill seeker! They also got to play on the trampoline, and just today Cody said to me, “Mom, I know what I want for my birthday. A trampoline!”. That sounds like so much fun, but we have one slight problem…space. Our back yard is small, and our front yard is large, but I don’t think our neighbors want to look at that each day! That just makes going to Nana and Pap’s all the more fun, I guess.  And speaking of birthdays, Shawn’s mom got the kids a birthday cake to celebrate their birthdays with while we were there.  That was so thoughtful, and I know it meant a lot to the kids.  I am glad they can join us next month when we celebrate Cody and Abby’s birthday together.  Pap also took them out fishing that weekend, and the photos are just adorable. I will share those later. Hope everyone had a great Easter celebration!

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