Easter Parties

The beginning of this month was filled with a lot of Easter celebrations!  The kids had a school party at a friend’s house.  It rained again this year, so we played our sack race indoors.  It was still a lot of fun, though, and created a lot of laughs!  The kids did a little bit of fun school work together with jelly beans and such.  One of the activities included making a graph.  Anna got paired with some older girls, so Anna assisted in finding the colored markers for their graph.  She sheepishly whispered to me, “Mommy, I don’t know how to make a graph.” (Smile)  Cody has grown up so much, and I was so proud of him.  He and Ethan made their graph.  Cody is such a perfectionist.  He offered suggestions to Ethan about how to make the graph, but Ethan was excited to do it another way.  I could tell Cody was itching inside to “fix” things, but he kindly let Ethan do the graph his way.  They had a fun time working together!  We had stories and crafts, Resurrection eggs, an egg hunt, and lunch and dessert together.  But my all time favorite activity we did, and one we make a tradition to do every year, is Resurrection Rolls. These are soooo much fun for little children and are such a neat way to teach why we celebrate Easter.  The awe on the kids’ faces when they pull out the rolls and see an empty “tomb” is priceless.  I will post the recipe below.  We also went with friends to a park for a picnic lunch and egg hunt after church one Sunday.  These friend have children around Dylan’s age.  He thoroughly enjoyed it.  I will post pictures of our Easter in Arkansas later…Too many photos to put in one post!And here is my recipe for Resurrection Rolls…They are SCRUMPTIOUS! ~

Rsurrection Rolls
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 T. Cinnamon
2 Tubes Crescent Rolls
16 Large Marshmallows
1/2 Stick Melted Butter

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Combine sugar and cinnamon in small bowl.  Melt butter in separate bowl.  Separate crescent rolls into 16 triangles.  Dip marshmallow (representing Jesus) in butter (burial oil), then sugar mixture (spices).  Place on large end of crescent roll; roll up tucking sides in (tomb). Dip in melted butter (ends).  Put in muffin pan (may use cupcake papers.  Repeat for all 16.  Bake 10-15 minutes.  Put foil or cookie sheet under pans to prevent spills.  Immediately remove from pans to plate.  The rolls become “hollow”, showing Christ rose from the dead!

1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
2-3 T. Milk
1/2 tsp. Vanilla

Mix well and drizzle over warm rolls.  To reheat, wrap in foil, heat 5-10 minutes at 375.

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