
Shawn’s parents have a pond behind their house that the kids got to go fishing in earlier this month.  It didn’t take long for Cody and Dylan to catch their first fish.  Anna gave up after about two attempts. Patience is not her virtue yet! 

I love this photo of Cody and Shawn!  They totally have the SAME look!

After seeing that Cody and Dylan caught a fish, Anna decided to give it another try and caught one for herself!

I LOVE Aunt Elaine’s reaction in this photo of Anna casting out her line!  Priceless.

 They also got to go out on Shawn’s parents’ boat to catch fish farther out.  Anna’s face cracks me up in these photos.  She was a tad worried about the boat tipping over and falling into the water.  She totally gets that from me!  Thanks, Nana and Pap for the fun day!

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