Is It Summer Yet?

Our weather has been all over the place lately.  I never know whether the heat or the air conditioning is going to be on the next day.  We have had a lot of hot days early this year.  The ice cream truck has even started making its rounds.  I thought it was funny one day when I told Anna we weren’t going to get any ice cream from the ice cream truck that day.  She said, “That’s okay!  He told me he’ll be back every Tuesday and Wednesday evening and Saturdays…if it doesn’t rain.”  Ha!  He does good advertising, huh?

 I ran across a photo of Anna after playing in the sprinkler with some friends.  She came running in the house and grabbed her princess crown she had gotten from Disney on Ice when we went to see it in March.  I looked in the backyard to see her walking across the yards in her swimsuit and crown.  It looked sooo funny, like she was competing in the swimsuit competition for a beauty pageant… Little Miss America!  I snapped her photo when she came back, although it looked so much funnier watching her walking across the yards to play with friends in her outfit!

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