Wish For One Thousand

Today Anna said to me, “Mommy, I just wish we could have a thousand babies in our home.” She pauses a moment, “But then our house would be really full, but I just wish we could have more babies.” I said “Aren’t you all ready to be done having babies in the house?”….(I have secretly had “mommy guilt” at times, wondering whether they ever want more of my attention.) Cody was sitting nearby, and both Cody and Anna shouted excitedly, “Noooooo!!!” That blessed my heart so much, and I felt so relieved and happy that they love it all as much as I do! Anna said she wants a baby boy next, and Cody said, “Yes, but baby girls are cuter.” I loved hearing them talk about this. A few days ago I got Abby up from a nap and went downstairs and sat next to Anna with her. Anna played and laughed with Abigail and then looked at me with tears forming and said, “Mommy, I just love her so much that it brought tears to my eyes two times. I am just so happy we have her.” Abigail, you are LOVED!!!

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