Dilly Boy

Dylan has been saying some cute things lately.  I am sure I have forgotten a bunch of them already, but I wanted to share a few that I do remember.  We were driving in the car late one night.  Dylan and Abigail’s car seats are next to each other.  Dylan asked Shawn if he could turn his light on in the backseat.  Shawn said “no” because the kids forget to turn them back off.  Then Dylan asked if he could just turn the light over Abigail on.  He said, “She is looking creepy.” Ha!  The darkness was casting weird shadows on her face, I guess!  Then we were out to eat one day when a VERY elderly-looking man came up to us with the sweetest smile to talk.  He said something like, “They must keep you very busy,” referring to the kids.  He told us how he had four children of his own.  Dylan just kept looking at him, giggling. The man thought he was so cute.  When the man left our table (and thank goodness it was then) Dylan says, “He’s creepy.”  Oh my!  I think “creepy” may be his new favorite word.  And I don’t know if I have shared this before, but Dylan likes to ask me for boy cookies.  He is referring to Girl Scout cookies but gets confused!  He also asked me about the neighbor’s grass if it was doggy grass.  Shawn planted some monkey grass, and now Dylan is at a complete loss!  Dylan likes for me to lay beside him before he falls asleep at naptime some days.  Sometimes if I close my eyes, he will say, “Wake up, Sweetheart.”  Melts my heart hearing those precious words!  I realized while taking these photos of Dylan the other day just what little thumb suckers I have.  They have all sucked their thumbs at some point.  I love it, especially when they hook their nose with their pointer finger while sucking.  So cute!

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