More Beautiful Than The Stars ~ Ha!

I have to share something that totally touched my heart this morning.  If I don’t write it down than I may never remember it.  I was looking over some of Cody’s school papers from yesterday.  When I glanced over his language paper, I froze.  In the middle of the paper Cody was asked…”Name six of the most beautiful things you have ever seen.”  My eyes skimmed over the words, and my heart was so moved emotionally when I read the word, “Mom.”  That has to be one of the most touching things I have ever read.  He also listed flowers, stars (Shawn teases me that I was listed before the stars!), kites, rainbows, and his SISTER. (Smile)  I told Shawn that I really don’t think he is simply referring to outward beauty, and not even just inward beauty because there are days when I feel like I just need a big time-out.  I think he listed his sister and me along with all these other things because of the way we make him feel inside, and that just makes a huge lump in my throat.  Below the items listed, he was asked to describe three of the things he named above.  Cody wrote, “Mom, is the best mom ever!”  Talk about a sweet start to my morning!  How did I get so blessed?!  The kids played outside a lot of the morning, hide and seek and monkeybars (Anna’s favorite pasttime). 

I love how they still trip up sometimes and shout, “Here I not. Here I come.”

After dinner they took their CD player outside to play freeze dance on the deck.  Boy, are they entertainment for the neighbors!  Their player wasn’t working for some reason, so they played freeze dance inside.  Their silliness CRACKS me up!  Dancing With The Stars has nothing on them!

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