Six Flags

Shawn’s parents and two of his sisters got to come back our way this weekend and took Cody, Anna, and Dylan to Six Flags on Friday. When we told the kids Thursday evening what Nana and Pap were planning, we could barely get Dylan settled down for bedtime…he was sooo excited! I stayed home and took Abigail to the doctor that afternoon. She hadn’t been acting like her happy self for quite a few days. We suspected MAYBE an ear infection, and, sure enough, it was. She has had two days of antibiotics and is back to laughing and being silly again. The whole day on Friday felt so bizarre to me just having only one child to care for. I kept thinking about how easy it was to get things done around the house which is hilarious because when I actually did have only one child I kept thinking how crazy difficult it was to get anything done! Ha! Boy, perspective, huh?! Makes me laugh when I think about it! The kids had a great time, and I loved hearing that they were so well-behaved for Shawn’s parents and sisters. I  missed them that day, and was so very happy that Mike took some photos while they were there. It makes me feel like I didn’t miss out on the day completely!

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