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June 2012


Well, it’s that time of year again when the mosquitos are out and totally attracted to Dylan. Dylan woke up the other …

Summer Checklist

I have a little list in my head of things I want to do before summer vacation ends. Last night the kids …

Let Time Stand Still

The kids have been playing with friends a lot this week. Yesterday we spent the morning at the park with some friends …

Happy 37th Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrated Shawn’s 37th birthday. We went to the Outback where I ate way too much. Somehow the food tasted so …

30th Wedding Anniversary

We went to Arkansas this past weekend to celebrate Shawn’s parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. Shawn and his sisters threw them a party …

Family Fun Night

Our church wrapped up VBS with a family fun night.  The kids got on stage and sang some of the songs they …

Slumber Party and Laser Tag

Anna went to her first sleepover last night at her friend Lauren’s house. Shawn and I are good friends with her parents, …

First Fountain and Freckles

Abigail’s hair is getting longer now, and since she won’t keep bows in her hair anymore it gets a little wild at …