30th Wedding Anniversary

We went to Arkansas this past weekend to celebrate Shawn’s parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. Shawn and his sisters threw them a party at a restaurant in town. Erin, Shawn’s oldest sister, did a wonderful job organizing it all and making all the arrangements. I will post a photo below of the floating candle (and not floating flowers…Ha!) that Shawn and Erin put togther for the centerpieces for the tables. They tied fishing weights to the flowers to keep them down. I thought Erin’s idea for the centerpieces was so creative. It was a special night, and I think Shawn’s parents really enjoyed it. I was glad we could do that for them. While there we celebrated Father’s Day with family who had come into town and just played and visited. I know my kids find it a real treat anytime they get to see grandparents. They have been blessed with some pretty special ones too that love them so much!

*On a side note…When we arrived at the restaurant to celebrate Shawn’s parents’ anniversary, Cody felt a little chilly once he walked in.  He came up to us later to report that there were 32 fans in the restaurant (And I am sure he felt that they were all blowing on him)! I love how meticulous he is to count every single fan.  I love how unique each of our children’s personalities are.

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