Buy Me Some Peanuts And Cracker Jacks

Last night Anna sang at the Cardinal’s baseball game with the Kidz Praise choir from church. Cody didn’t want to sing this year because of the hour long wait to get onto the field to actually sing…places to go, people to see! The choir sang “God bless America” and did a fantastic job! The camera zoomed in on Anna at one point and only her sweet little face was on the big screen for everyone to see. I would have loved to have gotten a photo of that, but I turned away right at that moment. I turned away and set my camera down because they announced for everyone to place their hand over their hearts, and I was baffled as to why everyone around us was doing this (I mean it wasn’t the National Anthem). I found myself questioning when that became protocol and feeling disrespectful for not having my hand on my heart. Then I heard Cody, “There’s Anna!” Aagh, I missed it, and her precious face looked so sweet. Shawn came back to his seat with Anna afterwards, and I told him I missed the shot, and his words were, “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me. It’s not like it was the National Anthem.” Ha! I know, I know! We laughed about it, and Anna said, “I saw myself on the big screen, and my face looked huge!” They had fireworks after the game. Dylan plugged his ears during it, but thoroughly enjoyed them. Even Abigail had a great time at the game, clapping and even attempting the wave a couple times! We also experienced a first during this game…some man from the crowd jumped over the wall and began running across the field with his hands in the air celebrating his few seconds of glory. Instantly, the security men in their red shirts came from all directions chasing after him. When they got closer to the man he laid down in the grass, and they put the handcuffs on him. It looked so silly, and I kept thinking was it really worth it? Shawn pointed out that at least he was clothed, thank goodness! The Cardinal’s staff gave the kids free tickets to attend another game, so maybe we will go again this summer. That would be fun!

* See if you can spot Anna in the 2 group photos…She is to the right of the camera man in the
photo on the big screen and is second from the right on the front row of the kids kneeling. 

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