
Let me just say that Chicago is busy, or I mean, CRAZY! When we arrived in downtown Chicago Cody said, “I don’t like this place because… 1. There is too much traffic. 2. You could lose your parents in one of these tall buildings. And 3. It takes too long to get places.” Ha! By the end of the trip, though, Cody was not ready to leave and said he wanted to live there, so I guess he changed his mind. It did take a looong time to get to your destination, and don’t even think about missing your turn because if you do you could end up where you want to be 30 minutes later. I now understand why we saw so many people learning how to ride the segways and why there were bikes everywhere, including the parking garage. Shawn and I thought after visiting the Shedd Aquarium that it was just a hop, skip, and a jump to the Navy Pier, so we decided to abandon our car and walk. The walk turned into 2.2 miles, with each of us taking turns carrying the kids along the way. Dylan’s dress shoes from the wedding made blisters on the backs of his heels, so he got an automatic piggy back ride there. Abigail used Shawn’s ears as handles as she rode on his shoulders! Shawn joked that I didn’t have to do my exercise video I had brought for the trip after that walk. We laughed as we ended up in some shady part of the city at one point. Cody said, “These houses are all made of bricks.” Shawn said, “No, this one over here is made of stones…” Then glancing around he said, “And over here, this one is made of bars!” Oh my! It made for some fun laughs! We went to the Shedd Aquarium, the Navy Pier, and Giordano’s for their famous pizza…it was soooo good! We didn’t get to spend very long at each place, but it was still fun. Shawn’s and my anniversary was also this past weekend…11 years! Love him immensely!

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