First Fountain and Freckles

Abigail’s hair is getting longer now, and since she won’t keep bows in her hair anymore it gets a little wild at times.  Today I gave her her first little Pebbles fountain on top, and I think it did the trick!  She looked so cute!  I was tempted to put a tiny bow on top also, but I decided not to push my luck.  She has kept it in all day!  Also, I wanted to note because I am sentimental and sappy about these things, but Abigail has her first freckles…2 of them!  One is beside the corner of her right eye, and the other is above her left eyebrow.  This is totally noteworthy to me!  (Smile) She hasn’t taken her first steps yet, but I know it won’t be much longer.  She has started a funny little quirk now and likes to crawl backwards into a room/doorframe.  It is so funny to watch her back herself up and position herself just so.  She looks so cute doing her backwards scoot!  She is talking a little more now and says “Tigger,” “Uh-oh,”  and she amazed us by saying “Chicago” last weekend!  That was a total surprise!  She loves playing outside and thinks she is one of the big kids now.  She seems to prefer men over women, and will fuss for the ladies in the nursery if her male teacher is in the room…she would rather be held by him.  She is such a fun, easy baby, and I get comments all the time from the mothers at martial arts about how good she sits through the hour long class.  She is my little sweetheart!

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