Happy 37th Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrated Shawn’s 37th birthday. We went to the Outback where I ate way too much. Somehow the food tasted so much better than I remembered. We got the spinach dip as an appetizer, and it came with the crispiest bread/cracker. I could have made a meal just out of that. Cody took a photo of Shawn and me before we left because it sort of felt like a date night, only with kids! We love taking them out to eat with us! Shawn opened his present from us which he seemed to like, a watergun while we wait for the real gun to be available! The kids thought that was awesome and wanted to know if Shawn wanted to hurry and go out and shoot it! After the kids were in bed Shawn and I popped in a movie, and we still agree that some of the best date nights are in your pjs, watching a movie, with a yummy dessert (which happened to be turtle pie last night…Shawn’s favorite)! Speaking of turtle pie, one of the kids mistakenly calls it turtle pot pie, a combination of turtle pie and chicken pot pie, I’m guessing!  Happy birthday, Shawn!  We love you!

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